How Technology Can Help Your Business Reduce Employee Turnover and Create a More Loyal Workforce

Nataša Mlađenović
Nataša Mlađenović
Nov 30, 20227 minute read

Employee turnover is a major issue for today's organizations. Not only because of the costs associated with hiring and training new staff but also because it can be a major source of disruption for existing teams.

With Gartner predicting that the rate of churn could be 50–75% higher than pre-pandemic levels, and it also taking 18% longer to fill positions, it’s more important than ever to figure out how to reduce employee turnover.

Reduce Employee Turnover and Boos Retention Rates with Lorino

A lot of factors play into employee loyalty and retention, from job satisfaction to salary, and an easy fix to all of these issues is oftentimes impossible.

However, technology can help business owners, managers, and HR teams make the most of their limited resources and try to mitigate the turnover problem.

In this article, we'll look at some of the ways technology can be used to help reduce employee turnover, from improved onboarding processes to better communication tools and insights.

Understanding what Impacts Retention Rates

As mentioned before, there are numerous factors that can influence an employee's decision to stay or go. These include job satisfaction, salary and benefits package, work-life balance, workplace culture, the ability to learn and grow, and more.

Although it depends on each individual and their values, the modern workforce tends to value more modern workplace benefits, such as flexible working and work-life balance.

The younger generations of employees are also looking for for companies that promote transparency in leadership, embrace change and innovation, and have a culture of respect and growth.

Not to say that financial factors don’t matter — they do — but since the pandemic turned the world upside down, it’s become clear that many employees are willing to make sacrifices in terms of salary and benefits in favor of intangible gains.

And modern tools and technologies can help businesses better identify the needs and desires of their workforce, offering tailored solutions that can help boost retention rates.

Using Technology to Improve Onboarding and Training Processes

One of the most important ways to reduce the risk of employee turnover, especially in the crucial period after hiring, is to ensure the onboarding and training processes are as smooth and efficient as possible.

Investing in modern technologies can help make this process much more effective, ensuring new employees have all the necessary resources they need to get up to speed quickly.

Tools like knowledge-sharing platforms can not only help new employees quickly pick up the basics of their roles but also provide access to more detailed information, such as customer service skills or company policies.

But another, maybe even more important aspect of onboarding is for the new employee to feel welcome and included.

Tools such as team-building apps, social intranets, and collaboration software can help create a more collaborative atmosphere even when employees are working remotely.

By creating an engaging onboarding experience from day one, businesses can ensure that new hires feel more connected to their new workplace.

Using Technology to Improve Communication and Collaboration

Internal communication is a crucial part of any organization, and if it's not up to par, it can lead to a lack of engagement from employees, resulting in low retention rates.

This has been further emphasized by the pandemic and the resulting rise of remote and hybrid working models.

The traditional methods of communication — such as conferences and meetings — have had to shift to more digital solutions like video calls, instant messaging, and the good old email.

And whilst these tools provide a solid communication infrastructure for getting tasks done, businesses still need to invest in technologies that can help strengthen internal relationships, because those are a key component in creating a loyal workforce.

Social intranets, for example, are an excellent way to improve communication in the workplace and create a sense of community within the organization. This not only makes your employees more likely to stick around but also has a positive impact on overall productivity.

Introducing Engagement Tools to Encourage Interaction

A lot of your effort to retain top talent will come down to how engaged your employees are. There's even hard data that shows teams who score in the top 20% of engagement have a 41% reduction in absenteeism and 59% less turnover.

Employee engagement is that one elusive factor that makes a huge difference in team morale and performance, and it’s important to find ways to nurture and encourage it.

But here it's important to differentiate the two types of employee engagement: task engagement and team engagement.

Boost Employee Engagement

Create a space for employees to connect with each other and bring the company together.

Task engagement is about how employees feel about their day-to-day tasks — are they feeling challenged, do they have clear goals, and are there enough resources to complete their work?

Technology can help with this, by providing staff with the tools and resources they need to get their job done easier and with less stress. Think task management apps, cloud-based collaboration tools, and automated workflows.

Team engagement, on the other hand, is about how employees interact and communicate with each other and is just as important as task engagement.

Here, the trick is to find ways to encourage interaction and collaboration. Tools such as team-building apps can help with this by creating virtual spaces for teams to organize activities, share messages and collaborate on projects.

Utilizing Gamification for Fun and Engagement

Be it a social intranet, a digital collaboration platform, or a training program, gamification is a perfect way to boost engagement and keep employees excited about their work.

It's a great way to add an element of fun and competition to tasks and activities. It encourages people to interact with each other in a positive manner and gives them something to strive for.

The fun factor is also more likely to have your employees actually use all the tools you provide. Employees will refuse to adopt new tools if they find them tedious or dull, but by adding a bit of gamification to the mix, you can make your employees actually want to use the tools.

Analyzing Employee Data for Deeper Insights into Retention Strategies

How would you know if all the initiatives you put in place are actually having an effect?

Measuring attrition rates is easy enough, but that data only shows you that there is a problem, not what that problem is.

To get a better sense of the underlying cause of low employee retention, you need to dig deeper into your data. This means collecting and analyzing various types of metrics such as employee performance reviews, exit interviews, training activities, and survey results.

Doing that the old-fashioned way is time-consuming, but the good news is that there are plenty of tools out there that can help you cut down on time and effort.

Be it measuring internal communications, or analyzing employee engagement, the right data-driven tools can provide you with valuable insights into your workforce dynamics.

That gives you the opportunity to act proactively, and make changes when and where they're needed to ensure you retain your top talent.

Use Tools to Create an Informal Learning Culture

Job satisfaction is another crucial factor when it comes to employee retention. It's also another very broad subject, as different employees will have different needs.

But one thing that most people crave in their job is the chance to grow and develop their skills.

Businesses can invest in formal learning programs and training opportunities, but that's usually not enough.

Creating a culture of learning in the workplace should be an ongoing process, which means engaging employees on all levels so they can share their knowledge and skills with each other.

Technology can help here too. There are plenty of tools out there specifically designed to facilitate informal learning. They range from e-learning platforms to knowledge-sharing tools and peer-to-peer networks.

These apps can be used to host virtual classes and workshops, or just allow employees to connect with each other and exchange ideas. Either way, they offer a great way for people to learn new skills in an engaging and collaborative environment.

In Conclusion

Employee retention is a complex issue with many different facets, but that doesn't mean that businesses can't take proactive steps to ensure they keep their top talent.

By focusing on improving employee engagement and satisfaction through initiatives such as investing in the right tools - companies can give their employees the sense of purpose they need to stay engaged, motivated, and - well - with them.

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